Sunday, August 30, 2009

Story Time!

Yay, I can update this thing with semi-hockey related material! It's not really that exciting of a story, but look on the bright camp is just around the corner and then I'll be able to update with things that are actually worth discussing.

Anyways, so today at work there's a guy in my line that looks REALLY familiar. You know how sometimes you see a person that looks vaguely familiar, and you just shrug it off and assume that you've just seen them around town or maybe at a few parties or something along those lines? And then you see someone who looks so familiar that it's the same feeling you get when you're watching a movie and there's an actor/actress in it that you know you've seen in another movie before, but you just can't remember who it is and it drives you nuts. Well, that's the feeling I got when I saw this guy. So while I was taking care of him, I said, "You look really familiar..." and he replies, "Oh...I don't know." and I just repeated myself and said, "Yeah you look REALLY familiar, where do I know you from?" and he still played coy and said, "I don't know where you would know me from." I sort of wanted to be like, "Seriously, who the fuck are you?" but you know...that would have been inappropriate. So then being the observant person that I am, I noticed that he was wearing a Boston College hockey cap. THEN IT CLICKED. It was our dear little Nathan Gerbe. Awww, how could I have not recognized the little guy. Later I realized I could have just looked at the name on his credit card and I wouldn't have had to play the, "Do I know you?" game but I didn't think of it at the time because really, who looks at people's names on their card? It sort of made me wonder what would happen if a more prominent Sabre like Ryan Miller would do the same thing if someone told him he looked familiar. Would he be coy and say, "Hmm....I don't know." or would he be all, "Oh ya well I'm ~*~za goalie~*~ for the Sabres." Although I'm sure nowadays he doesn't have that issue in Buffalo very often. I think people who don't even know what a hockey puck looks like still knows who Ryan Miller is.

So that's my story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I'm sort of glad that happened today because it gave me an excuse to update my blog with something that was sort of related to hockey so it just wasn't an update consisting of me saying, "Holy shit, holy shit I start class tomorrow." But while we're on the subject...

Holy shit, holy shit...I start class tomorrow! I'm sort of excited. Although I haven't purchased my books yet, so I'm sure my enthusiasm will go down a tad once I have to drop a couple hundred on those lovely text books. I usually go to the first few classes and get a feel for the course and the professor. Sometimes I can tell that it's a class that I can ride out without having to buy the book, and other times it's just one of those classes where you really do have to buy the book. I just hate spending so much money on books, when sometimes you don't even read them or you just read a section or two. But I'm pretty excited for the courses that I'm taking and I'm looking forward to catching up with all of my friends who are from out of town. One thing I'm not looking foward to is getting up early because I have early AM classes every day. But it will also be a good thing because then it gives me a reason to wake up early so I don't sleep in till 11 AM. I always feel like a bum when I sleep in that late.

So now that summer is coming to a close, I can say that I really enjoyed it. I traveled around a bit and I FINALLY got to see my all-time favorite band No Doubt after all these years. I also saw a bunch of other great bands at Lollapalooza like King of Leon & the Yeah Yeah Yeahs...and a whole bunch of others but I can't think of them all at the moment. I also spent some time boating on the lake which is one of my favorite things to do and just relaxed with my family and friends. And of course I worked a whole lot. So it was a pretty nice summer but I think it did go by a little too fast...but it usually does. I have a lot of pictures to upload because my camera went all Jesus on me and came back to life after being dead for a few days. It's still acting a little wonky, but hey at least it's not completely busted. But I seemed to have misplaced the cord to connect it to my computer to upload pictures...go figure.

But I'm welcoming the fall with open arms because I think it's such a beautiful season and I love fall fashion! I always get so excited when I get to go shopping for fall clothes. Halloween is also a fun holiday so I'm excited for that...I think I'm going to be a pin-up girl. I always say that I'm going to be one but then I think of something that I want to be more. And of course fall means hockey season...which is definitely the main reason why I love the fall. There's always so much excitement in the air once hockey rolls around. First it's training camp, then it's preseason, then it's the real deal and you're on one hell of a ride until April. I can't wait. Training camp begins September 12th...


Caroline said...

Haha if I knew who he was I wouldn't have kept asking him, but it was just really bothering me...I just wanted to be like, "JUST TELL ME JESUS CHRIST!"

And thanks! :)

Anne said...

Haha that's a great story. It also means that training camp is just around the corner!!!!

I stared at this guy in spot the other day trying to figure out who it was and it was either Jacob Lagace or someone who looks a lot like him. I'm betting on the latter.

Kimberly said...


Oh Gerbe Derby, you never disappoint.

Awe (:

Can't wait for training camp ! :D

Caroline said...

I stared at this guy in spot the other day trying to figure out who it was and it was either Jacob Lagace or someone who looks a lot like him. I'm betting on the latter.

Ya know...there have been a lot of times when I'm in Spot and I see someone who looks like they could be a certain someone but most of the time I don't get a good enough look and I'm just like, "Nahh." The other day my brother was like, "If Thomas Vanek had a buzz cut and glasses...that guy was totally him!" My dad saw the guy who played the dad in the Wonder Years in Spot last's a happenin' place.

Caroline said...

Can't wait for training camp ! :D

Me either! It'll be here before we know it!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I never see any of the Sabres anywhere!!! :( My friends see them all over the place - although one of the most common sightings I've been frantically notified of via text message was Max. I don't think we'll be seeing him around anymore... Anyway, great story!!

Caroline said...

Haha, I'd say I see them out and about pretty frequently...but I never usually have a good story to tell like this one (except for the time when Ryan Miller totally took my sandwich) because I never say anything. I probably wouldn't have said anything to Gerbe if I had originally known it was him. Maybe I would have said, "Good luck this season." or something like that.